The Chilling Tale of the Real "Sleeping Beauty" That Children Shouldn't Know


The Chilling Tale of the Real "Sleeping Beauty" That Children Shouldn't Know

Many of us grew up loving the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty. Unfortunately, the original version is nothing like Disney’s enchanting animated film...

Sleeping Beauty, 1958.

The original story, Sun, Moon, and Thalia, was written (or at least adapted) by an Italian poet, Giambattista Basile. This text was published in 1634 in the fairy tale collection Pentamerone.


The tale tells the tragic story of the daughter of a powerful lord. After she was born, the lord summoned the wisest people in the kingdom to predict the future of his heir. However, the astrologers warned her parents that flax could be the cause of her death...


Enraged, the father ordered that anything even remotely resembling flax be removed from the kingdom. However, when Thalia grew up into a beautiful young woman, she saw an old woman spinning thread and decided to help her.


But during this innocent task, a tiny flax splinter got stuck under her fingernail, and Thalia collapsed, seemingly lifeless. Her grief-stricken father dressed her in the finest clothes, placed her on a velvet throne, and abandoned the palace...


Years later, a king stumbled upon the abandoned castle deep in the forest. He was there while hunting when his falcon flew into the building.

The king knocked on the door for a long time, but of course, no one answered or opened it. Left with no other choice, he climbed the walls and entered through a window...


Inside the abandoned castle, the king found empty, dust-covered rooms. Eventually, he came across a young and beautiful girl, whom he could not wake despite his best efforts.


And here, I will quote directly from the original text:

"Overcome with desire, the king carried her to the bed. And after indulging in the pleasures of love, he left her lying there. Then he returned to his kingdom and forgot about this romantic affair for a long time."


As you might have guessed, Thalia became pregnant without ever waking up. When her children were born, fairies took care of them.

One day, the fairies brought the babies to their mother to nurse. However, one of the infants mistakenly sucked on her finger instead of her breast, dislodging the flax splinter from under her nail—causing the beauty to awaken...


And then, the joyful father reappeared! After some time, the king remembered the beautiful girl and decided to "visit" her again in the castle...

But when he arrived, he found Thalia still awake, now holding two babies in her arms. The Sleeping Beauty named the two children Sun and Moon because of their "mysterious" birth.


The king passionately professed his mad love for Thalia while explaining how she had become pregnant. Despite the obvious horror of what had happened, Thalia responded to his affections! However, the king soon left, though he promised to send for her and their children soon.

But there was one crucial detail—he was already married! In fact, his wife had started to suspect something. It turned out that the king had a habit of talking in his sleep and had unwittingly mentioned Thalia’s name and their children...


The vengeful queen wanted to uncover the truth. After learning of the affair, she ordered the royal chef to kidnap Thalia’s children and kill them.

Why the chef and not a brave knight? Because the humiliated and furious queen ordered the chef to cook the children and serve them as a meal to her husband...

During lunch, as the king praised the meat pies, the queen kept muttering, "Eat your own, my lord!" After a while, the king grew tired of his wife’s whispers and snapped, "Of course, I am eating my own—after all, you came to me without a dowry!"


Furious, the queen decided to burn Thalia alive. Meanwhile, the princess was on her way to see the king as soon as possible. But just as she arrived at the castle gates, the royal guards arrested her.


And just as Thalia was about to be thrown into the fire, the king stormed into the castle and saved his beloved. He then sentenced the queen and the chef to death by burning. However, the people of the kingdom later discovered that the chef had actually saved the children, hiding them safely from the evil queen’s wrath. At that moment, the kind-hearted servant was promoted and appointed as a steward.


Basile ended the story with the following lesson:
"Some people are always lucky—even while they sleep."

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